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Beginners guide on how to draw or create miscrits.

Written By Amar Singh on Sunday 2 March 2014 | 09:08

While searching for miscrits backgrounds I landed on one of the Miscrits Artist website. www.clarkillustrations.com/miscrits-monks-mountain-backgrounds/

Here is some of the simple guidelines that every beginner can follow to create their first miscrit. Every steps are detailed. Its a complex process but its worth a try if you are really willing to create your very own miscrits many fans from the community have already created their very own miscrits even without this guide. With this guide I hope it answers some of your questions.

Some miscrits created by fans.

Yezi by Kaze Black.

For those of you who’ve ever been curious about how we generally go about making a Miscrit, I thought I’d give you our basic outlines. Obviously there’s more that goes into it than this, but in essence this is what our artists do for most every Miscrit. If you have trouble reading/viewing the image, just click on it to see a larger version.

We are also experimenting how effectve is this miscrit creation process. Create your very own miscrits and post it down in the comments below.

One best selected drawing will be use a mascot for miscrits rewarder.