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Foil Deurus Miscrits the new foil miscrit.

Written By Amar Singh on Friday 31 May 2013 | 15:28

Foil Deurus is the new addition to the foil miscrits in the miscrits pack, you can only get this miscrit from the miscrits packs (gold and silver packs) which is available for 199 and 99 facebook credits. 

Foil Deurus
Type: Wind Miscrit
Location: Miscrit Packs

HP: Max
EA: Elite
ED: Strong
PA: Weak
PD: Strong
SP: Strong

Evolution 1 Foil Deurus
Foil Deurus is generally resentful of its cuteness, and dreams of being a great warrior that no one would dare call precious.
Evolution 2 Foil Deenotus
Foil Deenotus can fly so quickly that its wings make a sort of music as it soars high above the ground.
Evolution 3 Foil Deboreas
The rainbow-colored fog around Foil Deboreas is believed by many to have a hallucinogenic effect when breathed in.
Evolution 4 Foil Daeolus
Foil Daeolus patrols the skies every night, and it's sometimes mistaken for fireworks because of the way it sweeps and swoops around.