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Best Mother's Day Exclusive which one will you go for Mama or Claviger.

Written By Amar Singh on Saturday 26 April 2014 | 07:18

Mama and claviger are both powerful miscrits know for their amazing combination of stats and skillset.

Mama with both confuse and sleep moves on the other hand claviger has got immunities from both sleep and confuse.

Powerful defenses and amazing final moves both physical and elemental.

Claviger's final physical move schooled lower opponent defenses by 20 and unrelenting final elemental move hits multiple times at the same time raising its own speed and healing itself too.

SEE ALSO: Claviger Review.

Mama's final elemental move hits multiple times, never misses while healing 15 HP with elite elemental power makes it equally deadly.

SEE ALSO: Mama Review.

Which one will you go for Mama or Claviger?

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