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Win battles quickly in the battle arena. # Secret tricks revealed.

Written By Amar Singh on Thursday 13 March 2014 | 17:14

I have been asked a lot by my friends. How the heck do you win so many battles in the battle arena so fast? 

My answer I have magic fingers. LOL just joking.

With the battle arena winning cap increased many times like the current 75 wins to get the early release dawn of adventure expansion miscrits. Necessity arise to win battles quickly in the arena. So I am going to share some of the simple tips to help you win battles quickly in the arena like you have never imagined before.

Winning battles in arena is not that big challenging its simple and easy. We are not talking about the platinum arena its the simple arena where even newbies join in the battle.

Related: How to win battles in platinum arena easily.

What you need?

* A lot of level 1 miscrits. All of them need to be good EA msicrits.

Why you will like to know?
Level 1 miscrits battle finishes in a maximum of 6 moves. The shortest battle time in the game.

* Make sure you enchant the moves so that you have high chances to win as most of the players use level 1 miscrits.

* Use miscrits like rockodile your opponent can deal no damage because of the tickle move of rockodile. Do not have rockodile use miscrits with powerful elemental attack. Never use PA miscrits.

* Player trait teleport needed so that you can go anywhere very fast.

* Devoted and righteous if you have is a lot faster.

or use Multitab:( Open multiple windows for the same game)

Use level 30 miscrits only so that you do not get banned. One up-to three tabs fast win if you have a lot of powerful level 30 miscrits in your main team. Or a level 1 miscrit but you should keep the xp bar full.

As a result of the recent patch, multitab no longer works if you do so you will be banned immediately.