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Zapatose stats, skillset, review and rating.

Written By Amar Singh on Sunday 11 August 2013 | 09:24


Type: Lightning Miscrit
Location: Miscrit Shop

Zapatose Stats:

HP: Moderate
EA: Max
ED: Strong
PA: Weak
PD: Strong
SP: Max

"Truly, no Miscrit in all of Miscria can claim to be able to outdo Zapatose when it comes to misdirection and intimidation."
"Lummox's incredible tail is so lifelike that it can startle even those who know that it's just the tail of an itty-bitty creature."
"Bumpkin can move its tail's "arms" by wiggling back and forth. This greatly enhances the overall effect."
"Zori is a relentless attacker, using lightning attacks, its large tail, and its small but powerful body to launch an all-out assault on opponents."

Zapatose Skillset:

Lvl. 1- Spark and Shields up
Lvl. 4- Bite
Lvl. 7- Shy smile
Lvl. 10- Shockz( 10 AP, enchant: +2 AP)
Lvl. 13- Laser Focus( +%20 accuracy. Enchant: +15 heal)
Lvl. 16- Scorched earth
Lvl. 19- Strike
Lvl. 22- Small and mighty( %70 accuracy, +16 PA and EA)
Lvl. 25- Tail Flail( Physical attack. %90 accuracy, 20 AP. Enchant: +4 AP)
Lvl. 28- Misdirection( -6 opponent's EA, PA, ED, PD. Enchant: +1 debuff)
Lvl. 30- Lightning Storm( 31 AP, %100 accuracy. Enchant +5 AP)

Credits to Freddie-X-Zero

The wait is finally over zapatose is now finally in the miscrits shop and you can buy it for 45 fbc. The crit has got some nice skillset but the stats are not that awesome simply good. Atleast a strong health will make it look somewhat nice. Tail Flail and Misdirection supplements its not so nice stats. Accuracy buffs, negating weakness is all there. All you need is some fbc to go and shop this new miscrit.

What we love?
The skillset is awesome.

Would be better if
The stats are somewhat taken into consideration before it was released.

Relics recommended would be
Molten coin, frozen coin and Tiki Shrinking Potion.

Stats: 3.5/5
Skillset: 4.5/5