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In need of some facebook credits we have an easy solution for you. Step 1: Like website flipping skills page and get a chance to win ...
Get 1.5$ free facebook credits.
Saturday, 29 March 2014
In this guide you will find rares miscrits location in the dawn of adventure expansion plus all common miscrits location. All complete ...
Rares location in dawn of adventure expansion! Plus all miscrits location too.
Friday, 28 March 2014
Post as much you know about the dawn update here! If you have miscrits in level 35 do comment below the last skills! Share all you know...
Dawn adventure expansion miscrits stats and skillset booth.
Finally after a long wait DoA is finally released head over to the portals and explore the new expansion! There are a total of 11 ra...
DoA is released now!
Everyone is excited about miscrits new expansion. Here is a great news for you all! Dawn of adventure expansion will be unlocked in just...
Dawn unlocking in just few hours!
Thursday, 27 March 2014
If you are a fan of call of duty. Here is a fantastic website for you all to share or download call of duty pics! www.codwallpaper.co...
Call of duty amazing wallpapers! Sponsored.
Wednesday, 26 March 2014
For those of you waiting for dawn to release. Here is a complete preview of the new dawn of adventure expansion. The island is sepa...
Dawn adventure expansion preview.
After building such an awesome community for miscrits players. We are building a community specially for dragon city players. If you play ...
New Dragon City Community. Add friends win 1.5$ FBC!
Tuesday, 25 March 2014
Everyone is in rush to win some platinums in the platinum arena. Do you know that by implementing this simple tricks you can double your ...
3 miscrits platinum arena tricks that you might be unaware of.
There are 30 new miscrits we all know that from the very beginning when dawn of adventure miscrits fiender images was leaked. This in ...
6 new miscrits in dawn of adventure expansion.
Monday, 24 March 2014
What was your team when you first started your journey in Miscrits of Volcano Island? Let us know and which one among them you like the...
Miscrits of Volcano Island Starter Team. Reward 200 MP.
Well I got some of the leaked infos about the new dawn of adventure expansion form Miscrimania. Prepare to Hunt! Hunting in Dawn of Adv...
Dawn news from Miscrimania!
Sunday, 23 March 2014
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What's Hot in Miscrits?
Breeding miscrits explained: How do you breed miscrits?
Brash the Miscrits Breeder is finally here and if you do not know where she is. She is right beside the bean plantation in Sunfall K...
Miscrits Stats Calculator Calculate your Miscrits Stats.
Miscrits Stats Calculator - Calculate your Miscrits Stats without actually putting relic and using your brains with the help of this simpl...
Quickest way to breed legendary miscrits. [ SUPERFAST ]
To breed legendary miscrits fast you need to have a lot of epic miscrits which can be used to breed exotic miscrits than legendary. The b...
Exploring inside Cave of Mists.
One of the first premium zones in Miscrits - Cave of Mists holds three unique miscrits sapphron , sledgehog and microblast along wit...
Breeding Legendary Miscrits Combinations: How to breed Legendary Miscrits?
We will be sharing here all the possible combinations of all the legendary miscrits. Feel free to share your own combinations down in th...
Elite Valentino Review - 2015 Valentine Exclusive is here!
Elite Valentino has finally arrived. Sadly this one is not that powerful for an elite miscrit. There are more exclusives that are more p...
Elite rudy is finally here.
Elite rudy review: The wait is finally over elite rudy is finally here. Its undoubtedly one of the most powerful miscrits and this elite...
Relics for the best miscrits.
Choosing relics for your miscrits can be a though decision. So we have done the homework for you all here is some of the popular relics se...
Breeding miscrits guide!
Finally you can breed miscrits now. Its already going crazy with so many players breeding miscrits and getting powerful miscrits like...
Miscrits Awakening Patch In-depth look: All you need to know about the new patch.
Miscrits Awakening Patch: A comprehensive new update to Miscrits: Sunfall Kingdom and Miscrits: Volcano Island. The defeat of Apollo...