Home » » New class of dual miscrits Bibbly # Element water and nature.

New class of dual miscrits Bibbly # Element water and nature.

Written By Amar Singh on Wednesday 19 March 2014 | 19:20

Previously dual elements have only one element from each group of elements which is (fire, nature and water) and (earth, lightning and wind). Now bibbly the new dual miscrit has two elements from the same group which means it will be strong against two elements in the same group and at the same time weak against two elements from the same group.

Bibbly element is water and nature which means than it can do critical damage to fire and water miscrits. Also it will take critical damage from nature and fire miscrits. That's what you need to know.

This will be the same if other new dual miscrits of the same element group comes out.

Special thanks to Miscrits Professionals for the information.