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Sunfall Kingdom and Volcano Island Miscrits.

Written By Amar Singh on Sunday 19 January 2014 | 03:07

Its an interesting world out there and we all are addicted to it. Huge world to explore, miscrits to capture and train, battles to be fought and endless adventures. With over 400 miscrits, each with its unique characteristics and none similar.

Can you recall exactly the sequence of events that took place so far in Miscria in correct order. 

* Which was the first zones to be released, what followed what. Can you provide a glimpse of the miscrits world of adventure.

* What happened before volcano island app was released?

* Miscrian Forest, Mount gemma, Sunfall Shores, Cave of Mists. Elementums, mini trainers that you all dueled before the magicites.

Be brief cut long stories short but do not leave any stones unturned. A whole week is there no rush take your time.

Prize is 100 MP. Winners will be announced on Sunday.

Winner is Shan ghimire