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A new admin call for the Miscrits Rewarder Community

Written By Amar Singh on Tuesday 23 April 2013 | 18:18

A new admin call. 

Do you think you have what it takes to be an admin? 


  1. Must be an active player and must have a great idea about the game.
  2. Must be supportive in the group.
  3. Must help new members in the group.
  4. Minimum Miscrits Player rank of 200.
  5. Must know almost all of the Miscrits Location.
  6. Remove any spammy posts or spammy member.
  7. Must make atleast one helpful post to the community every 3 days.
  8. Must share every post that I make in the facebook page.
  9. Must know how to control or manage members or handle arguements in the community.
  10. Must give a detailed report about the community every weekend to me.

If you think you are legible to be an admin just let me know by posting about yourself in the group.